KasselPain Center Germany
Pain Center Germany
Rainer-Dierichs-Platz 2
34117 Kassel
+49 561 766 06 999
We want our patients to always be well informed about their pain and possible therapeutic measures. That is why we offer seminars at irregular intervals.
Understand pain
No date yet
In a total of 5 modules you will be given scientifically proven knowledge about pain in an easily understandable form. An appointment is scheduled for each module.
spinal cord electrical stimulation
No date yet
Under the motto From Pain to Freedom of Movement, you will learn what influence spinal cord electro-stimulation has on pain perception.
If you would like to make a binding registration for one of the seminars, please download the corresponding registration form and hand it in to our practice. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.